About artsyletters

Robyn Hood Black is a children's author, poet, and artist. She's happiest with ink underneath her fingernails.

A Little Lunar New Year Fun with William Blake…

Happy Year of the Tiger! Or, Tyger, as it were…

I like to participate in the New Year Poem Postcard Project spearheaded by Jone Rush MacCulloch, one of my dear poetry friends. Several of us Poetry Friday folks, or poetry minded folks, swap postcards in the mail to jumpstart the year. These are usually lovely and inspiring. I got a wild hair this year and decided to toss in a chuckle, with this play on “The Tyger” by William Blake (1757 – 1827):

Poet Poet, burning bright

In the blue computer light

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful syntax-y?

Did he who made Iambs make thee?

©Robyn Hood Black, after, and with apologies to, William Blake

I sketched the tiger in pen and ink, but filled in the fur with snippets from
Blake’s draft of “The Tyger” from one of his notebooks  (copied from a reproduction in Peter Ackroyd’s book, BLAKE).  Lucky for me, there were lots of heavy black scratch-outs!

To see the poetry postcards I received and for links to and about Blake’s poem, click here for my author blog post.

Wishing you a wild and poetic 2022!

Here’s to 2022!


Thanks for a holiday season so busy I didn’t even get a Christmas post here… If you’d like to read my recent newsletter, click HERE.

And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never been….

Rainer Maria Rilke (in a 1907 letter)

Wishing you a healthy and joyous 2022. I look forward to making all kinds of new literary-ish creations this year! (To see & hear the quote above being typed out, just click the link.) :0)

‘Tis the Season… Mwah ha ha

Happy Almost Halloween!
4X4 inch mini mixed media shadow box featuring reproduction entry from an antique Webster’s Dictionary, a delightful tiny vintage glass bat, a gorgeously gothic vintage brass stamping, and Swarovski crystals. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1098382281/mini-bat-mixed-media-with-brass-ornament?ref=shop_home_feat_2

Waving from March…

Greetings! My physical shop will stay closed for a short while more, as we all get vaccinated. If you’re in Beaufort and attending First Friday this eve, enjoy and please stay safe. :0) My Etsy shop is open 24/7. Featuring new items for Spring soon!