About artsyletters

Robyn Hood Black is a children's author, poet, and artist. She's happiest with ink underneath her fingernails.

A Step Ahead of the Reindeer…

stocking with artsy gifts with c
Season’s Artsy Greetings!

I hope you and yours are finding warm moments among these chilly, busy days.  My warm moments with my loved ones have involved travel in recent days, but I’m back in one of Santa’s satellite workshops creating, listing, wrapping, and packaging.  Oh, and making lots of trips to the Post Office.

I had an early Christmas gift myself – my “goal” this season was to hit 100 total Etsy shop sales before year’s end.  Happy to report that my Etsy odometer turned over to three digits this past weekend.  (And it’s added even a little more mileage since.)

screen shot at 100 etsy sales crop

According to the USPS Holiday Calendar, there’s another good week or so to get gifts on their way in the US to make it under the tree before Christmas.  I’ll keep sending as fast as folks place orders. :0) (Feel free to contact me or Convo me through Etsy if you have any questions about items or shipping, etc.)

Many thanks to my wonderful customers, friends, and creative supporters – you’ve made my season *B*R*I*G*H*T !

Cheers with cocoa and whipped cream… back to it!


Art Break Wednesday: Shifting into December!

pile of old typewriter keys flash with c
Nothing like a big ol’ pile of potential to make my Muse stay up WAYYYYY too late…

Which is what I’ve been doing, with work projects and art projects and the wonderful but packed family togetherness this time of year.  (Is it just me, or did December flat-out sneak up on us, appearing at the door Thanksgiving weekend of all things?!)

Well, my thankfulness is flowing right into the holiday crazies.

shift key filigree bobby pin with c

Many, many thanks to my wonderful customers – Every day I’m inching closer to my goal of 100 Etsy sales since opening artsyletters!  (If you’d like to help me get there, remember to use COUPON CODE JINGLE10 for 10 percent off your order!)  I love it that the post office folks half-way expect me to show up with my little white packages to be scanned every day.

Still keeping my house & critter sitter busy with traveling, and I have a long weekend on tap in Beaufort. But I’ll return Monday and mail out any Etsy orders ASAP, ahead of the jingling reindeer…

Happy December – Hold on to your Santa hats!

Cyber Monday Gifts for Writers and Readers – Thanks for the Blog Shout-Out, Linda K. Sienkiewicz!

Poet Gift Pack with c

It’s Cyber Monday!  Big thanks to fiction writer, poet, and artist Linda K. Sienkiewicz for featuring my Poet Gift Pack on her terrific blog in a post highlighting great gifts for writers and readers.  (You will certainly want to click on over and see the treasures she found!)

She’s picked out some wonderful offerings, including Debbie Ritter’s lively literary creations from Uneek Doll Designs. My friend and blogger extraordinaire Jama Rattigan featured Debbie as part of her Indie Artist Spotlight Series this past spring.  Love those dolls!

In Linda’s list, you’ll also see an example of her own work.  I’d already “favorited” this one on Etsy!il_570xn-533854581_efmo linda s Rokki Handbags

Linda creates amazing handbags and clutches from books and sells them through her Etsy shop, Rokki Handbags.  (This one is The American Educator Encyclopedia.)  Santa, are you listening?  Would love one of these…!

Enjoy your Cyber Monday shopping!

Remember, I’ve got Coupon Code BLACKLETTER13 in my Etsy shop today for 13 percent off your order!  [I’ll be adding some more jewelry and mated initials and magnets and such after I get back from shipping a few Etsy orders this morning. (I love Etsy!) Email or convo me if you are looking for a particular letter for an item and don’t see it in my shop.]

Black Friday * Small Business Saturday * Cyber Monday – Artsy Coupon!

Thankful for this pretty spike in November Etsy sales!

Thankful for this pretty spike in November Etsy sales!

R typekey bobby pin wrapped

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Perhaps the dishes are done and you’re thinking of hitting the big weekend sales.  May I invite you to click on over to my artsyletters shop?  I’m adding new items as fast as my fingers can type this weekend.


Vintage typewriter key ring - kitschy fun!

Vintage typewriter key ring – kitschy fun!

Kind of like a shop store owner still setting out wares as customers stroll in. Here, have a cup of tea!

If you do pop in for a visit, be sure to use Coupon Code BLACKLETTER13 for 13 percent off in my Etsy shop all weekend – now through Monday.

Thanks for taking a look!

Art Break Wednesday – Artsy Thanks to All!

Ringing in the season at the Cumming, Ga.,  "Christmas in Central Park" last weekend.

Ringing in the season at the Cumming, Ga., “Christmas in Central Park” last weekend.

It’s about that time – time to slow down and name what we’re grateful for.  I’m most thankful for the priceless intangibles:  family, friends, health, freedom, opportunity.  My thoughts and prayers are for those whose hearts (or bodies) ache this time of year.

And while my art business is less important than those intangibles, I’m still thankful to be able to say – Whew!  Made it through the first year, and I’m excited about the future.  I might not be paying the mortgage or the college tuition (yet, anyway!), but I’m pleased to be moving forward.  I learn more with each show or festival, and I know a lot more about selling on Etsy now than I did last fall. I’ve had a lovely little rush of orders this month, too, which I hope continues through the holidays!

My art business has tangibles and intangibles, too.  The tangibles I’m thankful for include a “yes” from the Trademark office this past year re. my artsyletters name, and a new, old studio space waiting for me in Beaufort, South Carolina, where we’re moving.  (I’ll do a post on that in the future – it’s right on Bay Street, in an 1890 building!)  I’ve found suppliers I love ordering from and I’m getting better and better at shipping, with all its myriad dynamics.  My booth set-up has gotten more appealing with each show, and I’ll continue to tweak that I’m sure.

The intangibles?  First, discovering that I was indeed appealing to my target market.  I’ve sold items to fellow writers & poets, teachers, librarians, college professors, artists, and book lovers of all ages – sending packages all across the country (including Hawaii) and to England, France, and Canada.  Nothing could make me happier.  Even more special, some customers have shared comments I will treasure always, particularly about my altered page collages (I’m making more, I promise!):  “Your work calls to me.”  “This piece speaks to my soul.”  “So excited to give this.”  “Love your creativity.”

Those kind words are the fuel that keeps me in a creative frenzy!I made this Emily Dickinson collage with "There is no Frigate like a Book" and gorgeous1800s illustrations - it sold quickly last weekend!

This Emily Dickinson collage features “There is No Frigate like a Book” and gorgeous 1800s illustrations, plus vintage bling, and the fairy door book collage below says, “I think your wings are strong enough to carry you” from a 100-year-old text. I think the glue was still drying at last weekend’s show, and they both sold! 

The Emily Dickinson collage features "Every Frigate is a Book" and gorgeous 1800s illustrations, and the fairy door book collage says, "I think your wings are strong enough to carry you" from 100-year-old text.

Second art business intangible: the amazing support I’ve received from creative friends.  There’s my art critique group, who heard me verbalize this nugget of an idea for the first time just over a year and a half ago.  (My Thanksgiving post last year was about them! –  Also thankful that we added Leighanne Schneider to the mix this year).

Also, where would I be without Kim Siegelson,

with Kim S Nov 2013 adj reduced

my award-winning writer friend with a wonderful vintage shop on Etsy, Perfect Patina. Okay, I’d be floundering.  I’ve called Kim – um, I don’t know exactly how many times, but several – with Etsy questions.  I’ve got some good books on Etsy and online selling of art, and I consult the Etsy blogs, but there is no substitute for talking to someone who has been in the trenches and marched triumphantly ahead.  Thank you, Kim!

Whether it’s pestering graphic design whiz Kathleen with emergency photo editing questions, or snagging Paula and Beth for antique market outings, or doing some serious vintage hunting with Kim, I’ve been so very fortunate to have partners in my artsy crimes.  Friends have shown up at shows, too – aforementioned Beth and Paula, Peggy, Barbara, Janice, Michael & Candy, the Kennedy clan, Trish and others- not only to buy a gift here or there but to offer a booth-sitting break and words of encouragement.

Finally, I’m thankful for my family (hubby Jeff and kids Morgan and Seth) – they’ve put up with art show explosions from time to time in the house.  (Oh – you’re supposed to EAT on the dining room table?!) And, they’ve put up with my way-too-old-for-this all nighters and my being out of pocket for weekends here and there.  Daughter Morgan put my entire inventory on Square so I can make sales with just a couple of clicks at shows. She can tweet, post to Facebook, and conduct transactions all at the same time! morgan in booth AITS 2013

Huge thanks to my online friends who have “liked” my Facebook page and shared posts, followed me on Twitter, commented on my blogs and mentioned me on theirs,  “favorited” items on Etsy (& purchased them, too!), and generally helped spread the love in this vast virtual community.  Julie, Renee, Cathy, Jone, Liz, Jama, Irene, Susan, Laura S., Laura Sh., Tabatha, Stephanie, Tricia, Linda, Kirby, Betsy, Joy, Elizabeth, Gail, Michelle, Beth, Janet and more – I am very, very thankful! :0)

Wishing you and yours a creative and love-filled Thanksgiving holiday.

Art Break Wednesday: Hear Those Jingles?



Miniature "Writer Mouse" Christmas ornament.  Click to learn more!

Miniature “Writer Mouse” Christmas ornament. Click to learn more!

I’ve been busy getting ready for Christmas In Central Park in Cumming, Georgia this weekend.  (Nearly 100 juried arts and crafts vendors, plus holiday family fun and food!) X-mas in Central Park front




My little basket full of holiday promotional postcards basket of artsyletters postcards christmas mailing smallwent to the post office yesterday, too  – all dressed up with holiday stickers.

(If you don’t receive one and would like a Coupon Code for my Etsy shop this season, please send an email!)


Do you have any book lovers, teachers, librarians, writers or poets on your holiday list? I hope you’ll check my Etsy shop, where I’m continuing to add items each week.  Maybe some art for a literary type?

print - glasses and books RHB

opening door with c blog












earrings for blog MOr typewriter key earrings?


Note cards perhaps, or  bookmarks, magnets, fancy matted initials…   Feel free to browse around the shop and ask me any questions!


I really do love creating items that others will enjoy.  In fact, here’s a sneak peek at my version of a manicure this week- ink under the fingernails, paint on top. Just the way I like it!

printmaker manicure

Oh – and I’m always happy to provide FREE GIFT WRAP with a hand-lettered tag. gift wrap blog 2013

Raising a cup of cocoa with wishes for lots of happy jingles in your corner of the world. Now… break’s over – I’ve got to get back to work!

Art Break Wednesday: Send Over Some Elves!


X-mas in Central Park front

Happy November!  The air is crisp outside, the leaves are piling up, and I hear some jingles in the distance…

I’m now holed up in my “workshop” trying to simultaneously fill my Etsy shop with new items for the holidays…                                                                                               (slowly getting them listed, like these:)small W matted letter gold 2013 with w






and also get stocked up for my final art show of this fall, the Christmas in Central Park event put on by the Sawnee Artists Association:X-mas in Central Park frontIn addition to fun for the whole family, there will be nearly 100 juried arts and crafts booths for your holiday shopping. I’m excited I’ll be in the mix! If you are in the Cumming, Ga., area the weekend of Nov. 16-17, swing on by.  Guaranteed to get you in the holiday spirit.

Now, back to the hammering and humming….