Yay Images
Hope your 2014 is off to a good start!
Just a heads’ up that my online pasture here might look a little bare this month, but that’s only because I’m moving to greener pastures very soon. I’m boxing up art supplies and books and furniture and vintage bling and such (how in the world did I accumulate so much stuff?!) and heading from the North Georgia mountains to the South Carolina coast.
When I get all settled, I’ll post pictures of my new digs. I’m renting a great old space in a historic building in the middle of town and can’t wait to soak up the inspiration (and the sunshine outside) and create, create, create. More soon!
May your pastures this year be lush, and Happy Trails! :0)
Hi Robyn,
I’ve been thinking of you since the Makers Summit is coming up. Will you be attending this year?
Good luck with your move. Mine was almost 2 years ago…not easy but so worth it.
Hi, Karen!
I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since we met at the first one. :0! I’d love to go again, but I might have to sit out this year – my son’s spring break starts that weekend. I’ll holler at you if I find I can sneak over from my new digs… :0)
Thanks for the good wishes; your new studio looks awesome.
Happy Trails to you too, Robyn. Although hard, what fun it will be at the ‘other end’, creating a perfect space for yourself!
Thanks so much, Linda! (I know the memories of packing and boxes is probably still fresh in your mind… ;0) )
Good luck with your moooooove! I would love to see pictures of your new digs when you’re settled and ready to post them.
Howdy, Liz – thank you. I can’t wait to share some pix, & I’ll let you know! :0)