Miniature “Writer Mouse” Christmas ornament. Click to learn more!
I’ve been busy getting ready for Christmas In Central Park in Cumming, Georgia this weekend. (Nearly 100 juried arts and crafts vendors, plus holiday family fun and food!) 
My little basket full of holiday promotional postcards
went to the post office yesterday, too – all dressed up with holiday stickers.
(If you don’t receive one and would like a Coupon Code for my Etsy shop this season, please send an email!)
Do you have any book lovers, teachers, librarians, writers or poets on your holiday list? I hope you’ll check my Etsy shop, where I’m continuing to add items each week. Maybe some art for a literary type?

Or typewriter key earrings?
Note cards perhaps, or bookmarks, magnets, fancy matted initials… Feel free to browse around the shop and ask me any questions!
I really do love creating items that others will enjoy. In fact, here’s a sneak peek at my version of a manicure this week- ink under the fingernails, paint on top. Just the way I like it!

Oh – and I’m always happy to provide FREE GIFT WRAP with a hand-lettered tag. 
Raising a cup of cocoa with wishes for lots of happy jingles in your corner of the world. Now… break’s over – I’ve got to get back to work!