My wonderful friend and author Kim Siegelson left this intriguing note on my artsyletters Facebook page last month: “I found the coolest addition to your artsyletters set up today.” Curiousity was killing this cat! You see, in addition to sharing the writing life, Kim is the one I’ve turned to in past months for Etsy advice. She has a lively vintage Etsy shop (two actually), and I love seeing what new items show up in Perfect Patina. On my author blog in November, I shared another special gift she found for me and my appreciation for our vintage hunting adventures.
We finally met up at our SCBWI Southern Breeze Springmingle in Atlanta this past weekend, and Kim gave me my new surprise. (Drumroll….)
The Complete Second Edition of 20th Century Typewriting
by D. D. Lessenberry and E. A. Jevon, published by South-Western Publishing Company in 1933.
I love typewriting manuals! I have a couple others I’ve picked up in antique shops, but what makes this one stand out are the amazing illustrations of typewriters inside. (I couldn’t find a credit for these.) Here are some more samples:
Aren’t these great?
At art shows, one thing I’ve loved to offer is my old Underwood typewriter available for attendees to try out. Especially kids – most have never used one before! I make them type enough of a line to hear the magic bell…

Jessica and Wyatt try out my old typewriter, as my daughter and “assistant shopkeeper” Morgan looks on.
One of the first products I wanted to offer in my new art business last fall was some typewriter notecards.
This image was drawn with pen and ink (and some colored pencil and other media worked in as well) on paper I had painted to suggest a parchment effect.
In the mixed media department, I was delighted to find on Etsy a dealer from Great Britain who had parts from an old Remington typewriter for sale. I’ve used these in a few pieces, and still have some left for future projects. This collage I made and sold on Etsy incorporated some of these metal parts, my own typewriter image above, a vintage flash card, some vintage metal letters, and a line of exercises from another old typewriting manual that reads:
“Write it on your heart that every day is the very best day in the year.”
I was delighted when a customer purchased this collage with the following note:
My husband is a “collector” of typewriters and we both love to live with our hearts so I cannot imagine anything much more appropriate for him than this framed piece.
Even more delighted when she kindly sent me a follow-up note as well:
Just wanted to tell you how much my husband LOVES the framed artwork and note cards. He opened it today and it is now placed happily on our piano. We can hardly believe how perfect the message and collage of unique items come together to match our lives.
Let me tell you, words like that fill my own heart and soul. I’ve been blessed to realize that beyond making items to sell, starting an art business has given me connections I treasure. These might be the happy thought that my work has made someone else smile, or the special knowledge that a friend would pick up a vintage typewriter manual with dynamic black illustrations of old typewriters, and she would think of me!
Thank you, Kim.
Anyone else have fond memories of clacking away on a heavy metal typewriter (or those sleek electric ones that slid into the market)? Do tell!