©Robyn Hood Black
Okay, so we haven’t historically had big “Columbus Day parties” in our home. But this coming weekend, we’re celebrating both kids home for college for Fall Break over the Columbus Day holiday. I thought it might be a fine time to share a recent mixed media piece with a Columbus connection.
The map is an original page from the Meyers Konversations-Lexicon, Vol. 7 (G), Fourth Edition, Leipzig, Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, 1887. Genoa was the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, who penned these words in his Letter to the Sovereigns on the First Voyage, February 15-March 4, 1493 (first and rarest of printed Americana), referring to Hispaniola (today, the Dominican Republic and Haiti):
And they know neither sect nor idolatry, with the exception that all believe that the source of all power and goodness is in the sky.
This mixed media piece features various watch components and decorative metal embellishments from a variety of sources, namely antique markets and Etsy vintage shops. A peek into how I chose to put what, where:
First, this round metal watch component with the red calendar numbers on a white background seemed perfect color-wise for the piece, and I love the suggestion of time having to do with anything historical. I “highlighted” Columbus Piazza on the map with a small vintage silver component.
I liked the way the shape of these vintage watch parts seemed echoed in the shapes near them on the map, with the circle and spokes, and then the arch/ray image:
The shape of this old metal key seemed to suggest the shape of the docks depicted on the map.
And… I couldn’t resist adding the brass vintage “True Blue” button beside the quotation about the sky! As far as the larger brass embellishments, I placed them at the top of the map to frame the whole image. Notice how the “arched” piece on the right echoes the shape of the harbor at the shoreline immediately to its left.
I had fun making this piece, especially working with such a lovely map in such wonderful condition. Thanks for taking a look. And, HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY on Monday, however you choose to celebrate it!
(Note: This piece is for sale and has garnered some interest at shows this fall, though it’s not currently listed in my Etsy shop. Feel free to contact me with any questions about it. The image is approx. 9 X 11 in. ; the frame’s outer dimensions are 18 X 20.)