I might have still been rushing around at 5:00 trying to package cards and bookmarks, but I’m so glad I opened my studio door (for the first time!) for Beaufort’s First Friday last night. Thanks to everyone who came by to visit, have some cider or cookies, and do a little art shopping. Special thanks to my hubby Jeff and to friend Barb Ettl, who did all the heavy lifting (literally) as I slowly get back into the swing of work and fun events like this.
Somehow I only managed to get a few pictures, but here’s a peek into the evening:

Lots of friends dropped by! Here I am with Cyndi Allison (aka neuromuscular massage therapist/miracle worker…..)
I enjoyed sharing my space with familiar and new faces. Everyone loved the Modern Jewelers building, which has such historical character.
See you in December, when First Friday is on steroids, for Beaufort’s NIGHT ON THE TOWN on Dec. 5!
Late to reading, but happy to hear that the evening went well, Robyn.
Thanks so much, Linda! If you ever make it to our side of the country, would love to show you my studio and the town in person. :0)