Happy Summer Solstice!
Thanks for stopping by. Well, moving and settling in took a bit longer than I thought it would – and a whole lot of trips back and forth to Georgia, and mounds of boxes. But I’m officially in business in beautiful Beaufort, SC!
I haven’t posted in a while during the transition, so this post is longer than usual. BUT – it’s pretty much all pictures. So come on along! Here’s a little pictorial tour of my artsy endeavors on the coast.
First, there’s the scenery walking from our cottage to downtown.
Antebellum homes on the left; the bay on the right.
Here’s the building where my studio is! It dates from 1889. I rent one of the office spaces above Modern Jewelers. Count the windows along the side – mine are numbers 4 and 5.
See the lovely pink building beside us? It’s the John Mark Verdier House Museum, “the only planter’s home in Beaufort open to the public,” built in 1804. We went on the guided tour and also enjoyed the free Civil War exhibit downstairs.
And here’s my business name on the glass door – you can make it out in my reflection!
I usually go around to the back, however, because I’m in love with this old, old tabby wall. Kind of a secret garden passageway, don’t you think?
And up the stairs.
(Beware the over-reaching fig tree….)
Here we are! Welcome to my studio.
It’s still a work-in-progress, and don’t get out any white gloves. But it’s coming together, and I love it.
I have a desk to draw on/assemble on and my little drawing table, too – both from early years of marriage. Jeff gave me that drawing table decades ago! The wonderful green spinning bookshelf was a find in a north Georgia antique shop. The p-e-r-f-e-c-t and perfectly comfortable wooden desk chair was a find here in Beaufort!
The big table with glass top came with the space. It will be my printmaking station.(See the little fountain on the right side? In case I need to run my fingers under some water real quick-like…!)
The corner space in front of the window provides terrific natural light for Etsy shop photos. Yes, I’ve taken several – I just haven’t gotten around to posting the new items! I’m getting there, I’m getting there….
I have a great little closet, but my favorite feature of this high-ceiling-ed, wood-floored space is this cabinet with glass doors. Swoon. My boxes for shipping are stored below, and these shelves hold mats and backing, acetate sleeves, and jewelry boxes.
Moving on, this might not be as attractive, but a baker’s rack holds everything I need to get Etsy orders shipped out quickly (Oh – and my first wholesale cards order this week – to an indie bookstore in Massachusetts)! All at my fingertips.
In the front corner, my illustration and art books and inventory of printed cards, bookmarks, etc., hang out behind my display panels.
Turning back to the center – an area just for gift-wrapping!
And here are some of my favorite things. This metal flat file was given a makeover by the husband of my antique dealer friend Keren back in Georgia, at the first-weekend-of-the-month Flowery Branch antique market. This thing weighs a ton. And it holds mat boards, large papers, and a zillion typewriter keys (in letterpress trays, some of which I think I also got from Keren!)
Also bought at that market was this great green metal cabinet, which I’ve filled with old metal treasures, including more great stuff from Dena’s booth at the same market. (Dena has the coolest old hardware items.)
I picked up these two putty-colored metal cabinets on different treasure-hunting trips, with my good creative buddies Paula Puckett and Kim Siegelson.
Now, one reason I’ve set up my panels and display tables in this great space is that I don’t plan on lugging them around for sleep-deprived weekends to shows, at least this fall. I’m trying something else: I am delighted to have been accepted to lease a wee bit of real estate inside the historic Fordham Market here in town.
I just set up yesterday. I’ve been there as a customer before, and now I look forward to selling artsyletters wares there as a vendor!
So let me know if you are passing through the lowcountry, and I’ll show you around and buy you a frozen yogurt. You’ll have to do a little shopping before you get back on the road, n’est-ce-pas? I might have some ideas….
Thanks for coming along on this new journey!
Happy Summer.
Swoon is right! Makes me want to get down to the low country right now and go on a shopping spree–and see you, too, of course.
Well come on over, Cathy Hall! Bring Cathy-on-a-Stick, too – she’ll love it.
Looks like a dream come true, Robyn. Gorgeous new digs! I look forward to the in-person tour one day and I love your set-up in Fordham Market too! Congratulations, my friend.
Thanks, Michelle! We will definitely have an in-person rendezvous now that we share the same coast. I know you know the way here, and I zipped down to central Fla. for the first time a couple weeks ago – not far from here to the Fla. border!
This is so wonderful, congratulations on your beautiful new studio and the gallery space, oh and the wholesale order! I am so happy for you.
I feel your smile from here, Beth! You have been an integral personification of support since this art business idea was a wee little sprout. Thank you.
I am super excited to see the new space! Beautiful, interesting, functional, and so very Robyn-esque. Sorry I missed seeing you earlier in the month. Next time, my friend!
Aw, thanks, Kim! I hated that the timing wasn’t right that weekend. Of course, you couldn’t see the floor in my studio yet that weekend either… ;0) – hoping we can get together soon, here or there.
I’m coming to move in with you!
Pack those bags, DeeAnne! (Just pack light – we reeeally downsized – ;0) )
Your vendor space invites everyone to come have a look. I know you’ll enjoy your new studio. You are to be commended on the work you’ve done.
Hi, Patricia! Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words. Much appreciated. Hope you and yours have a happy, healthy summer!
Oh, Robyn, this all looks divine. I could easily work in your studio for a month and never come up for air. So I know you’re in heaven, too, and that thrills me. Beaufort and you are a perfect match. When you meet Lester Laminack – and you will – let him know that we are buddies. I hope to visit you sometime in the fall. Take care and enjoy every minute of ARTSYLETTERS and your summer!
Lola! So great to see your name and read your lovely comments. I would LOVE to see you in the fall, or any time your traveling shoes bring you this way. Seth is transferring to Young Harris this fall, so I’ll be making my way that direction from time to time as well. (I’d also be delighted to meet Lester Laminack – I thought he was in NC? At any rate, I’d certainly drop your name! ;0) )
Hope you all have a fantastic summer too!
Oh Robyn I am so happy for you. The space is lovely and the perfect reflection of you and your art. I have always thought of Robert Smalls (because of my book) when I saw Beaufort but now I will be thinking of you. I wish you so much success!
I can’t wait to have my own studio space again.
Hi, Susan! I’ve sent you countless messages in my head wanting to check on you re. your move, etc., too! Thanks so much. If you make it to this coast, I’ll take you to see our Robert Smalls statue and historic sites and such. :0) Best wishes in your own creating…
I so enjoyed the tour! The best of luck on your Beaufort adventure, Robyn!
Hello, Dear Diane! Thanks so much for coming along. And for the good wishes. And let me know if you’re ever this way…!
Oh, how wonderful! A great adventure! Hope you enjoy your new digs!
Thank you, Donna – I couldn’t be happier and am thankful to be here!
Congratulations, Robyn! Wowl–this is just so cozy and lovely, and so many friends and your family are all tied up in the creating of it. I’m so happy for you–best of luck!
Laura – helllooooo! I was really just thinking about you this evening; I’ve been out of the loop with all the recent transitions on my end. Thanks so much for taking “the tour” and for your kind wishes. Off to see what you posted this week… :0) Happy Summer!
Oh my goodness, Robyn! What a dream! I had no idea you were working on such a set-up! Man, we seriously need to catch-up on stuff. lol It looks like you’ve made yourself a niche–your own little slice of heaven in Beaufort.
I am SO thrilled for you! Wishing you all the success in the world with this creative venture–and it looks like you’re well on your way. Yay!
Gisele! We are way overdue for a catch-up! ;0)
Thanks so much for the wonderfully warm wishes – I’m heading out to the studio now and will take them with me. Have a creative weekend on your end!
Hey Robyn,
Love your new studio and am looking forward to a personal tour soon. I’d no idea you were a writer and an artiste! You go, girl!
Thanks so much, Katherine! Can’t wait for our creative catch-up. :0)
Wow, do you ever have the perfect set up!!! I’m so envious. My work space takes up three floors of my house so I’m always up, down, up, down.
So happy I found you on Etsy!
Joni – Thanks so much for coming over to visit! Delighted to meet on Etsy, and I’m off to go see your blog. :0)
Welcome to South Carolina, Robyn! Your studio is absolutely beautiful, and so are your beach drawings. If you haven’t already visited, make sure to explore Hunting Island State Park sometime soon–it is one of my favorite SC beaches!
Many thanks, Becky! We LOVE Hunting Island. Just recently got ourselves a pass! :0)